Software Testing Training

  • Duration : 3 Months
  • Mon-Fri:1 hrs
  • Fees : 15000INR
  • EMI option available
  • (monthly 5000INR)

Syllabus : Manual Testing , Java foundations, Mobile Testing, Automation Testing, Selenium IDE, Selenium Web driver, Selenium Advanced Web driver, Selenium Grid, TestNG, SQL workshop, Performance Testing, JMeter - Advanced, POSTMAN, API Testing, JIRA, Course Project

Detailed Modules

Module 1 : Manual Testing

Importance of Testing, Testing Principles, Bug Failure, Defect ,Test scenario preparation, Quality, QA, QC, SDLC, SDLC Models, Agile principles, Scrum, Management, RTM, Important Testing Terms, STLC, Bug Reporting, Severity, Priority, Test case Preparation (practical session), Bug lifecycle, Reports, Metrics, Levels of Testing-unit testing, integration testing, System Testing, User acceptance Testing, Static and Dynamic Testing, White box Testing, Blackbox Testing,Testing Types, API testing, Web Application Testing, Mobile Application Checklist.

Module 2 : SQL

Sql introduction,Sql Datatypes Sql basics-DDL,DML,DCL,Comparison Operators,Constraints,Aggregate Functions,Practice questions,Joins,Stored Procedures,Practice Question,Views,Group By,Having ,Order By Clauses Practice Question

Module 3 : JAVA

Introduction to the course,Java Installation,Features and JDK,First Sample Program DataTypes and Variables Operators Control Statements and Loops Scanner and Array Oops - Polymophism (Method overloading) and Constructor Overloading Types of Inheritance and Method Overriding This and Super keyword final and static keyword Abstraction Encapsulation Exception Thread Thread Synchronization Events Collection - List & Set Collection - Map & Queue Exam - Java


Selenium Introduction,IDE Features,creating script Using IDE,Recording,Selenese,Assert and verify Export Testcase

Module 4: SELENIUM Webdriver

Selenium Webdriver Introduction,Webdrivermanager,Junit,Locators,Screenshot in selenium,Handling Alerts,BrokenLinks,Testng and its Features,Waits in Selenium,Javascript Executor in Selenium,Navigation Commands,Dropdown handling using select class,Button Text verification,Radio buttons Actions class,copy paste using action class,draganddrop program Double click and right click using Action class,Mouse Hover Program,File upload ,File upload using AUTO IT and Robot class, Cross browser Testing,Handling multiple windows and tabs ,Handle pops in Chrome,Datepicker, DataDrivenTesting ,Extended Reports, POM Design Pattern Frameworks,Datadriven framework Maven ,Importance of maven,Create Project in Maven,Project

Module 6: Jmeter

"Introduction to Jmeter,overview of performance testing,Jmeter workflow, components of Jmeter,Building a web Testplan" Building a web Testplan,Report generation,Execution in NON-GUI mode Recording in Jmeter,Blazemeter plugin Assertions,Timers,CSV Dataset configuration, Correlation

Module 7: POSTMAN

Introduction to Postman,API testing, Download and install postman,Collections,Request methods Request Method,Collection Runner,Test script,Variables ,Datadriven testing, Api fetching,JsonPathfinder,Openweathermap api ,Newman

Module 8: JIRA

Agile methodology ,scrum,Introduction to Jira,Jira issue types,How to create an Epic/User stories in Jira, Creating sprints in Jira,Sprint lifecylce in Jira,Backlogs,Creating bugs,Write TestCases in Jira with Zephyr plugin, Jira project flow